1. INTERNET TELEVISION: we finished watching every episode of david wain's great web series wainy days on thursday. when i got home from work today, we watched a few episodes of the office before taking a long nap. it's true when i tell people we don't have television at our house--we don't--but that doesn't mean we're not watching tv, one way or another. full online episodes are a godsend.

2. BOOTS WITH HIS COLLAR OFF: the cat looks better naked.

3. MATMOS: we're seeing them at the echoplex tomorrow night. their latest album, supreme balloon, is pretty fun stuff.

4. STEAK: i started eating meat again. boneless new york strips, broiled with salt, pepper and garlic, served with a little rice and sauce. it's good to be back.

5. MY DINNER WITH ANDRE: several reputable sources are telling me that my dinner with andre will be rereleased by criterion in the foreseeable future. this is a big deal, especially since it went out of print in the last year and became prohibitively expensive to own. also, the only transfer the world has ever seen has been a really crappy one; i have faith that criterion will finally do right by this movie. yesss.

6. EXTREME BODY BUILDING: louis theroux does it again. watch all five parts, starting with this one. the women at the end are totally fascinating.
i need more episodes.

my many thanks to elizabeth at life of roo for accentuating the positive.

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