poetry has been a great part of my reading life in the past few years, but for whatever reason i'd never jumped into pablo neruda until very recently (and even now, only barely). he finally came into my life a couple of months ago by accident, when i stumbled upon this amazing album of "veinte poemas de amor y una canciĆ³n desesperada," or "twenty love poems and a song of despair." go here to listen to the first poem of the collection, and just tell me you couldn't listen to that voice (neruda's?) speaking all day long. and i don't even know what he's saying yet.
and then just today i found this:
a 2007 neruda collection with cover design by rodrigo corral and marion bantjes. their work here is so lovely that i am determined to make this the first official neruda book in my collection--and soon. it's about damn time i experience this whole lot of love and a little despair for myself.
(all thanks to it's nice that for my winding road to this book.)